A few days ago Mel Robbins popped up in my Facebook feed with a link to her workbook for 2024. That was just what I needed. At the end of every year, I spend a week at the beach wrapping up my year and planning my new year – resolutions, 5 things I want to do, things I want to accomplish and generally take time to find “me” again.

I don’t know about you, but every year is going to be my best year ever, and now 2024 is going to be the best year ever, ever (again) … I’ve had so many disappointments over time and 2024 was not going to be one of them – so I delved right-in to Mel Robbins workbook.

Her first question wanted the reader to write down the highlights from the past year. In order to find ideas she suggested you could get some help from your camera roll or your calendar. Mel Robbins said “Write down the highlights from each month over the past year.”

That got me scrolling through my photos looking for answers.

  • January last year, I spent a week at the beach as usual my daughter and her husband and my grandson came and spent a few days with me and it was wonderful that was shared joy. I set my goals and planned my 2023.
  • February the world fell out the bottom. I ran out of money and found a job. I spend six hours a day behind a computer doing work that frankly almost anybody could do, my skills are wasted but I’m grateful for that income.
  • March came along – no joy
  • April came along. My little grandson was born and that made me very happy.
  • May it was Mother’s Day. My older daughter came from England and my 2nd grandson had a birthday and it was so fun!
  • From there on the year started to slide and I proceeded to ugly cry.


I got so panicked about not finding highlights for the last few months of the year that I decided to write a message to five of my good friends asking a question that may help me find my passion and in turn let it turn into a highlight for 2024.

My pre-amble, “I am struggling to find highlights from the past year. I have been asked by a friend what things I did as a child that brought me joy? Please answer this question for me. What childhood passion have you lost to adulthood?”

With the answers, I was hoping to find my own passion again. I had no sooner sent the messages when one of my childhood friends called me and asked. “Hello, Kath, what’s wrong my little friend, are you OK?” At which point I started to cry, because no, I was not OK. I could not find a highlight for every month of the year.

My childhood friend said, “so are you sad that you only found five things to be joyful for? Why would you be sad about that? It’s so exciting that you have found five things!” She suggested if I had found only one thing that brought me joy in the last year – do I have the right to be sad?

So move over Mel Robbins, if we only find even one highlight from last year – that is enough to build on the gratitude and live well into 2024. I don’t need 12 month’s worth!

This year I plan to

  1. Employ a real estate coach to keep me motivated and on track
  2. learn how to trade crypto currencies and earn a good side income from that
  3. look after my friends and long time clients in their businesses so they achieve their goals and I can be their support – give back a little.
  4. create a break for my self every 12 weeks to reflect, refine and re-organize my goals
  5. Work at least one hour a day on my own online business building my passive income.
  6. To take one step every day towards a healthy lifestyle
  7. Put self care first and meditate daily, write in my gratitude journal daily (find one good reflection every day.)

That will be my 2024 goals and I know that I can do it.

What one highlight did you have from the last year – celebrate that! You are blessed and take that forward and do more of those things that bring you joy so you can live life to the full!

Namaste beautiful Women. You can do this.