Are you struggling financially? Learn how to make money online at home. We all have goals, hopes and dreams. Today it is important for women to be independent and have their own little stash of cash saved for that rainy day your Momma used to tell you about. This post will explore some of the options on how to make money online at home. Is it time for a side hustle? Who knows, maybe your side hustle will become your main job.

What if you could earn $1000 per month more or $3000 extra – what about $5000 or $10,000 more? What could that look like in your life? Imagine the lifestyle you would choose? Would you buy that new car or house? Would you use the money to make other peoples lives better? Would you save it so you don’t have to worry about the future? If you can dream it, you can do it.

Now let me help you get your cash flowing better, for the good of YOU. Beautiful women, you do not have to do this alone – let me walk with you every step of the way. I’m on exactly the same track as you! Along the way I will share what I have found is working for me and maybe it can work for you!

Different Ways to Make Money Online At Home

There are many different ways to make money online at home. I’m not glossing it over, it’s not easy, it will take work, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. If you can make $1 extra why not thousands?

Start a Blog

One of the most important steps would be to start your own blog first, just like this one you are reading. You can do it through wordpress or through wix – or any other system, whatever works for you. My websites are through Wealthy Affiliate and are wordpress blogs. I get to build them out how I want them and yet it was done with lessons included in my membership fee. Yes there is a membership fee, however, you can build a blog on a free account and still have 10 lessons. (I was on a free account for 2 years before I upgraded). You can do a large part of the learning without it ever costing you a dollar. The next level up is $19 per month is and is a premium account. The premium plus membership is $49 per month. That opens the door for advanced training. Honestly you could operate out of a $19 account for many years and make money.

Wordpress blog and how to make money bloggingWhat Can I Blog About?

I can hear you already saying – What on earth am I going to blog about? My response is –

  • what is your passion?
  • What do you know a lot about?
  • What makes you feel excited?
  • What do people say you are good about?
  • Ask your family and friends what they consider you are good at?
  • What would you do with your life if you did not have to work?
  • What would you do for free every day if you didn’t have to earn money?

Still Stuck? 

Make a list. Set up a list on your mobile device. For one week be aware of what you think about doing with your life, what you have loved doing that day. Every night before you go to bed, take a look at the list and think about what you loved doing from that day. Your clue may be right there! You can do it!

How can you make money from that blog?

Share Affiliate Links – You can share affiliate links – which give you a percentage of the earnings that you make from that post. What kind of affiliate links? I am an Amazon Affiliate, Etsy affiliate, Wayfair and Ultimate Bundles affiliate. I am obviously a Wealthy Affiliate member which is where I learnt everything I know about how to make money online at home. I have a few niche sites too – but I find that spreading myself too thin is a mistake. I have also worked in Medium – you have to have 100 followers before you start earning money. One of my friends earns a 6 figure income from Medium posts. I believe I will get there too.

Designs In Canva

How to make money online at home with Canva. Design stuff in canva and sell the templates. Don’t know how to do that? Canva has an academy, learn for free how to do those things. If you do not even have an artistic bone in your body, you can still design stuff in Canva and make some money. Canva has a free version. You can design stuff and make money for FREE.

Canva productsWhat can you design?

  • social media posts
  • invitations
  • backgrounds for social media,
  • templates
  • advertising and promotional projects
  • printed materials
  • product packaging
  • presentations
  • film and video presentations
  • commercials
  • catalogues
  • brochures
  • greeting cards and postcards for promotions

and then sell them on etsy, shopify or via social media. Contact small businesses and offer to make 30 social media posts a month for them and design them in canva and sell them. You could do it for several different businesses and help them grow. There is a whole lot of money sitting right there to be made.

Ultimate Bundles

Ultimate Bundles AffiliateOne of my favorite places to make money online at home is with my Ultimate Bundles membership. They have all the help, training and strategies within the site. It’s free to join and then you get to sell their educational self help products. Their system is unique and they have limited sale dates each month and they train your and equip you with information so you can sell their courses, ebooks, planners etc. They even produce the banners, links and access – you don’t have to do a whole lot except promote and educate the audience. This is a great way to make money online at home. It does require strategies and they teach that too!

What Bundles Do They Have?

Their bundles include

  • goal setting
  • get more done
  • Content creator bundles

Most Bundles include ebooks, courses, printable’s and templates. It’s a great option as most of the work is done for you and your content writing can help you make money. Is that not awesome?

Print on Demand T Shirts etc

How to make money online at home using a Print on Demand service. If you are the arty type, you can design your own T shirts pictures, memes, words or slogans and sign up with a print on demand company. I use Gearbubble and Redbubble. I don’t have arty skills but I can string a few words together to make people laugh or feel good and I can put that on a T-shirt, a mug, stickers, wall art or a phone case. There are amazing opportunities which are dropshipped directly to the buyer and I never need to do anything other than design, market and collect my money. Idyllic really!

Freelance Work

Make money online at home doing freelance work. Sign up on sites like Upwork, Skillshare or Clickworker and sell your skills. People are always needing help with something and you can offer your services and earn some fair money. If you have a particular niche you would be excited to work in do a search in google in your particular niche eg “freelance writer in teaching.” Whatever niche you like and whatever skills you have – their will be work for you to do. You could also put up an advert in your local “Nextdoor” and you could be doing work for people and earning money with a simple message in their classifieds.

Take Photos and Sell Them

There are many different sites that you will be able to take photos and sell them online. If you carry a phone with an excellent camera – literally take photos and sell them online. A simple google search with find your photos have value – maybe not a lot in the beginning, but imagine your work being targetted at a particular niche eg Real Estate – you could take photos of anything related to a home and garden or decor and the real estate niche is a cinch. You can progress from there into buying a great camera and you can do some amazing photos and command higher prices.


When you look at just the few realistic items in my list – how many of them could you do? Could you do one from each item each day or just one item niche? You would be surprised at how much you can do and how all the little bits add up. I’ve had a check for $49 one day and one for $5.23 the next – but every day I see it growing and growing and one day I will be able to do this full time. I am not unique. You could be doing this too. Just get started and see where it goes! You can learn how to make money online at home and live out your goals, hopes and dreams. Reach out if I can help you!